Tour overview

Along with the Tirth and Pin Parvati treks, Raktisar is a trek that keeps you riverside up to the sources of the river. Raktisar is the source of the Sainj valley which is a larger and higher catchment basin compared to the Tirthan valley.
The trek is quite long, minimum 7 days in average, but it allows you to enjoy a great diversity of Himalayan Ecosystems from green lush forests of Oak trees to high altitude mountain pastures and glaciers.
There are several extended or alternate routes that you could consider on this trek.
The Dhel meadow is famous for its amazing scenery and the its colorful flowers. From Dhel you can even continue climbing to the pass that gives way to the Tirthan valley. A great trek !


  • Transportation
  • Hotel Stay
  • Tour Guide

Not Included

  • Entrance Fees
  • Guide Tips
  • Airfare
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